When it comes to managing your health, monitoring your blood pressure is crucial. High blood pressure, or hypertension, can lead to severe health issues if left unchecked.

Thankfully, with the advancements in technology, we now have access to a wide range of blood pressure monitors that allow us to keep track of our health conveniently at home.

Whether you’re looking for accuracy, ease of use, or advanced features, we’ve got you covered. Say goodbye to the hassle of sifting through endless options – we’ve done the research for you.

To help you make an informed choice, we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 best blood pressure monitors available in India, along with a comprehensive buying guide.

Best Blood Pressure Monitors in India

Say goodbye to the confusion of choosing the right BP monitor – we’ve done the research so you don’t have to. Whether you prioritize accuracy, affordability, or advanced features, this guide will help you to choose the right one. Let’s dive in!

Omron HEM 7120 BP Monitor

Best Blood Pressure Monitors

  • Intellisense Technology
  • Cuff Wrapping Guide
  • Hypertension Indicator
  • Body Movement Detection
  • BP Level indicator
  • Hypertension detection
  • Irregular heartbeat detection

Dr Trust BP Monitor

  • Universal cuff size
  • Micro USB Cable included to power up instantly.
  • WHO evaluation system
  • Portable & Easy to Use
  • Works with 4 AAA batteries and USB cable charge

Dr. Morepen BP Monitor

  • WHO-certified technologies
  • Smart Inflation System
  • Comfort Inflation Technology
  • Irregular Heartbeat Detection
  • Hypertension Indication
  • Memory Storage Function

Health Sense BP Monitor

  • WHO-certified technologies
  • Extra-large clear LCD display
  • Error & low battery indicator
  • Irregular Heartbeat Detection
  • Hypertension Indication
  • Memory Storage Function

Beurer BM 54 BP Monitor

  • Easy-to-read XL display
  • Shows date and time
  • Excellent Accuracy
  • Universal cuff
  • Auto Switch Off Technology

Dr. Trust Talking BP Monitor

  • Hindi or English Talking and reading
  • Extra Wide Cuff
  • Large Zebra Lights Display
  • Keep Record of 120 Readings
  • Painless Measurement Instantly

TYNOR Dr. Morepen BP Monitor

  • 4 user interface
  • Smart inflation technology
  • Low battery detection
  • Small and portable
  • Normal Cuff

Beurer BM35 BP Monitor

  • German hypertension cutting-edge technology 
  • Adjustable Cuff
  • Large LED Display
  • Low battery indicator
  • Fast measuring time

Rossmax MJ701f BP Monitor

  • Real Fuzzy Technology
  • Can Be Used By 2 Users
  • Take average of last 3 readings
  • Latex free cuff
  • Irregular Heartbeat Detection
  • Hypertension Risk Indication

Omron HEM-8712 BP Monitor

  • Highly Accurate
  • Easy,One-Touch operation
  • Irregular heart beat detection
  • Smart Cuff Inflation
  • Dual power source

Factors to Consider When Selecting a best Blood Pressure Monitors

Choosing the best blood pressure monitors is essential for accurate readings and effective monitoring of your blood pressure. Here are some key factors to consider when selecting a blood pressure monitor:

  1. Accuracy: Accuracy is paramount. Ensure that the monitor you choose is clinically validated, meaning it has been tested for accuracy against a recognized standard. Look for monitors with the approval of organizations like the American Heart Association or the British Hypertension Society.
  2. Type of Monitor: There are two main types of blood pressure monitors:
    • Upper Arm Monitors: These are considered more accurate than wrist monitors and are recommended by healthcare professionals. They typically provide more reliable readings.
    • Wrist Monitors: These are more portable and convenient but may be less accurate. They need to be positioned correctly on your wrist for accurate results.
  3. Cuff Size: Ensure the monitor comes with the appropriate cuff size for your arm. Using an incorrectly sized cuff can lead to inaccurate readings. Most monitors provide adjustable cuffs, but it’s essential to check the size range.
  4. Ease of Use: Choose a monitor that is easy to operate and read. Look for a clear and well-lit display with large numbers. Buttons should be intuitive to use.
  5. Memory and Data Storage: Some monitors can store multiple readings, which is useful for tracking your blood pressure over time. Check the memory capacity to ensure it meets your needs.
  6. Battery or Power Source: Consider whether the monitor uses batteries or has a rechargeable battery. Ensure it’s a convenient power source for you.
  7. Display: Opt for a monitor with a bright and easy-to-read display. Backlit screens are especially useful for taking readings in low-light conditions.
  8. Irregular Heartbeat Detection: Some monitors can detect irregular heartbeats, which can be a sign of underlying health issues. This feature is beneficial for early detection.
  9. Portability: If you need to monitor your blood pressure while traveling, consider a portable and compact monitor that’s easy to carry.
  10. Validation and Certification: Look for monitors that are validated by reputable medical organizations or have received certification from regulatory bodies.
  11. Price: Blood pressure monitors come in a wide price range. Consider your budget, but don’t compromise on accuracy and reliability for a lower price.
  12. Customer Reviews: Read reviews from other users to gauge their experiences with the monitor you’re considering. This can provide valuable insights into its performance and durability.
  13. Brand Reputation: Stick to well-known and reputable brands that have a history of producing reliable medical devices.
  14. Warranty: Check the warranty offered by the manufacturer. A longer warranty period can provide peace of mind in case the monitor malfunctions.
  15. Customer Support: Ensure the manufacturer provides good customer support in case you have questions or encounter issues with the monitor.
  16. Compatibility: If you plan to connect your monitor to a smartphone or computer for data tracking, ensure it’s compatible with the devices and software you intend to use.

Step-by-Step: Using Home Blood Pressure Monitor the Right Way

To use a home blood pressure monitor properly. Here are some tips provided by the American Heart Association (AHA) that may be helpful for you, follow these steps:

  • Read the Manual: Start by thoroughly reading the user manual that comes with your blood pressure monitor. Different models may have unique instructions and features.
  • Choose the Right Time: Blood pressure can vary throughout the day. For consistency, try to measure it at the same time each day. Typically, it’s best to do it in the morning before eating or taking medications.
  • Prepare Yourself:
    • Avoid caffeine, smoking, or exercise at least 30 minutes before taking your blood pressure.
    • Sit quietly and comfortably in a relaxed position for about 5 minutes before the measurement.
    • Make sure your bladder is empty.
  • Proper Seating: Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor and your back straight. Rest your arm on a flat surface (such as a table) so that it’s at heart level.
  • Applying the Cuff:
    • Slide the cuff onto your bare upper arm. It should fit snugly but not too tight. There should be enough space to fit one or two fingers between the cuff and your arm.
    • The cuff’s bottom edge should be about an inch above your elbow.
  • Position the Device: If using an automatic monitor, place it within easy reach. If using a manual monitor, hold the bulb in your hand.
  • Start the Measurement: For automatic monitors, press the start button. Remain still and silent during the measurement.
  • Record the Measurements: Write down or digitally record the systolic (top number) and diastolic (bottom number) blood pressure readings, as well as the pulse rate. Take two or three readings, about a minute apart, and record the average.
  • Review and Interpret: Understand the readings:
    • Normal blood pressure: Less than 120/80 mm Hg.
    • Elevated blood pressure: 120-129/less than 80 mm Hg.
    • Hypertension stage 1: 130-139/80-89 mm Hg.
    • Hypertension stage 2: 140 or higher/90 or higher mm Hg.
    • Hypertensive crisis: Higher than 180/higher than 120 mm Hg.
  • Consult Your Healthcare Provider: Share your home blood pressure readings with your doctor during your regular check-ups. They can provide guidance and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan.
  • Regular Maintenance: Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for cleaning and storing your blood pressure monitor.
Benefits of Owning a Blood Pressure Monitor:

Having a blood pressure monitor offers several advantages, including:

  1. Regular Monitoring: With a home blood pressure monitor, you can track your blood pressure regularly, providing valuable data for you and your healthcare provider. This helps in early detection and management of hypertension.
  2. Convenience: Monitoring your blood pressure at home eliminates the need for frequent clinic visits. You can check your blood pressure at a time that suits you, improving overall convenience.
  3. Timely Intervention: Regular monitoring allows for early detection of any spikes or trends in blood pressure. This enables prompt intervention and adjustment of medications or lifestyle changes if necessary.
  4. Reduced Anxiety: Some individuals experience “white coat syndrome” – elevated blood pressure in a clinical setting due to anxiety. Home monitoring provides a more relaxed environment, leading to more accurate readings.
  5. Customized Treatment: Home monitoring can help personalize your treatment plan. By sharing your readings with your healthcare provider, they can adjust medications and lifestyle recommendations based on your individual response.
  6. Awareness: Monitoring at home fosters awareness about the importance of blood pressure control. It encourages individuals to take an active role in their health and make necessary changes.
  7. Cost-Efficiency: Over time, owning a blood pressure monitor can save on healthcare costs by reducing the need for frequent doctor’s appointments and potential complications associated with uncontrolled hypertension.
  8. Improved Health Outcomes: Timely monitoring and management of blood pressure can lead to better health outcomes, reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other related health issues.
  9. Family Health: A home blood pressure monitor can benefit not only you but also other family members. It promotes a culture of health awareness and encourages family members to monitor their blood pressure as well.
  10. Long-Term Health: Hypertension is a chronic condition that requires long-term management. Having a blood pressure monitor ensures that you can maintain control of your blood pressure over time, leading to a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Frequently Asked Questions?

1. How often should I measure my blood pressure at home?

It’s advisable to measure it at least once a day, preferably at the same time.

2. Are automatic blood pressure monitors accurate?

Yes, most modern automatic monitors are highly accurate when used correctly.

3. Can I share my blood pressure data with my doctor?

Many monitors offer data sharing options, making it easy to share results with your healthcare provider.

4. Can a blood pressure monitor detect heart conditions?

Some monitors can detect irregular heartbeats, but for a comprehensive heart assessment, consult a healthcare professional.


Choosing the best blood pressure monitors is essential for your health and well-being. We’ve highlighted some of the best options available in India, catering to various budgets and preferences. Remember to consider factors such as monitor type, cuff size, accuracy, memory, and brand reputation when making your decision.

Regular monitoring of your blood pressure is a proactive step towards a healthier life. By investing in a quality blood pressure monitor, you can keep track of your health and make informed decisions about your well-being.